Over 30 Years’ Experience | Same-Day Appointments
Over 30 Years’ Experience
Same-Day Appointments
Insurance Paperwork Assistance
All issues, concerns, or complaints can be reported by contacting our Office Manager or Nurse Manager. If we are unable to address your concerns, you may contact the following for assistance.
Medicare Ombudsman: 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227). TTY users should call 1-877-486-2048 or use this website:
VA Office of Aging Services 800-552-3402
US DHHS Administration on Aging for community-based resources
Advance Directives – Living Will or Health Care Power of Attorney Resources
For applicable state laws and sample forms for creating a living will or healthcare power of attorney, you may contact one of the following.
1. Caring Information Organization at 1-800-658-8898 for English or 1-877-658-8896 for other languages or www.caringinfo.org
2. E-mail: Aginginfo@dars.virginia.gov, Toll-Free: 1-800-552-3402 (Nationwide)
Richmond/Henrico local: (804) 662-9333, https://www.vda.virginia.gov/
3. Palliative care, VA dept. Of Health www.vdh.virginia.gov › palliative-care
4. Virginia Advance Directives
http://www.virginiaadvancedirectives.org › forms-1
Advance Directive Policy:
Please be aware that the procedures that we do in this facility are not high-risk and that in an emergency, we will do all that is necessary to stabilize you including CPR.
If you present to this center for a procedure with a living will or valid Do Not Resuscitate Order (DNR) or Out of Facility form and you have an emergency, we will do all that we can to stabilize your medical condition and start resuscitation. We will call 911 to transport you to the hospital. EMS will be informed of the Do Not Resuscitate Order or living will upon arrival.
Policy and Procedures, 11/2023
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